Pathways Toward Responsible Aquaculture in California: archived video

California Sea Grant, the Moss Landing Marine Lab (MLML), Save Our Shores, Sustainable Design Masterclass, and LIFT Economy all co-sponsored a two-day forum held at the Moss Landing facility Fri-Sat, Aug 10-11, presenting a wide range of topics exploring pathways toward responsible aquaculture development in California. Continue reading

Seaweed: It’s not just for sushi

For Japanese food enthusiasts, seaweed is an expected part of a meal. But the researchers at Oregon State University are hoping to make the algae a bigger part of our everyday lives. The Food Innovation Team is focusing on Dulse (Palmaria palmata), a red algae common in the Pacific and Atlantic ocean. Dulse is high in healthy nutrients, grows quickly and easily in tank culture, and supposedly when grilled, has a taste similar to bacon.

Seaweed has been a staple in many cultures around the world, and algae is a key ingredient to many household products, such as ice cream and make up. Researchers and other food entrepreneurs hope to expand the use of seaweed, whether as a savory snack on its own or an ingredient in healthy goods.

Watch the video below and read more about OSU’s endeavors.